Picture of Bender

Bender Bending Rodríguez

“I’ll build by own theme park. With black jack, and hookers. In fact, forget the park!”

Bender Bending Rodriguez, Sr., designated Bending Unit 22, and known as Bender, is one of the main characters in Futurama.

He was made in Tijuana, serial number 2716057, Mexico in 2996. Bender drinks copious amounts of alcohol to recharge his fuel cells, while displaying symptoms similar to intoxication when he stops.

When he burps, fire comes out of his mouth. He gambles, smokes cigars, consorts with hookerbots, has 100,000 terabytes of porn on his hard drive, and is constantly trying to gain attention to boost his already over-inflated ego.

He is equipped with a Gaydar, though it ultimately claims everyone is gay. He currently lives with Fry in his closet-sized Apartment, fully equipped with an apartment-sized closet.

He hates his self-destruct sequence. He has an affinity for turtles (as they both can't get off their back), penguins, and Napoleon Bonaparte.

Bender was made Pharaoh on the planet Osiris IV, but his servants, fed up with inhumane treatment, sent him to his grave (before he actually died).

Bender is also fascinated with cooking, though he is shown to have no sense of actual human taste, often creating dishes that can kill plant life. He also thinks that humans eat rocks. Magnets, when attached to his head, cause him to lose his sense of inhibition and act like a folk singer. Bender has also stolen his best friend Fry's kidney.

Top Ten Words

  1. Ass
  2. Daffodil
  3. Shiny
  4. My
  5. Bite
  6. Pimpmobile
  7. Up
  8. Yours
  9. Chumpette
  10. Chump


  • 40% Zinc
  • 40% Titanium
  • 40% Dolomite
  • 40% Luck
  • 40% Chromium
  • 40% Wires
  • 40% Scrap Metal
  • 30% Iron
  • 40% Empty
  • 60% Storage Space
  • 40% Platinum
  • 40$ Ass
  • 0.04% Nickel Impurity

For more information about Bender you should visit his Wikipedia page.

Website by Phillip Mcgowan

"Fry crack corn and I don't care, Leela crack corn and still don't care, Bender crack corn and he is great!! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID CORN!!!"
“Well, if jacking on will make strangers think I’m cool, I’ll do it.”
“I’m so embarrassed. I wish everybody else was dead.”
“Have you ever tried simply turning off your TV, sitting down with your child, and hitting them?”
“Hey sexy mama. Wanna kill all humans?”
“Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The ‘x’ makes it sound cool.”
“Oh, no room for Bender, huh? Fine! I’ll go build my own lunar lander, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the lunar lander and the blackjack. Ahh, screw the whole thing!”
“Game’s over, losers! I have all the money. Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves.”